Thought Leadership: The Human Touch – Why technology is just a tool, not the solution to finding talent
By Ian Taylor, Executive Director at Sheffield Search, North Island
This blog post was first published on the AESC BlueSteps Executive Career Insider Blog
It’s remarkable to think that in a few short years we have come so far, technically speaking. In the early days, recruiting was done using tools the youth of today might scoff at. Hard copies of management files and candidates that were filed alphabetically in folders were the norm. If you wanted information on a candidate, you just accessed the file in the cabinet in the corner of the office. Now, modern technology has allowed us to access a “global” workforce at the click of a button.
But while the tools have changed, the fundamentals remain grounded in the human elements of understanding business and people.
Businesses operate differently but all share the importance placed on relationships and credibility. So, while technology capability is ubiquitous in the business world, the reality is that relationships form the basis on how work is carried out and how decisions of commerce are made.
The ability to not only form but also sustain relationships is crucial, regardless of what line of work you are in. The ability to listen and empathise, be resilient, consult others – none of these are bred or helped by technology in any way. These are essentially very human traits.
Norman Godden, a founding member of Sheffield, said understanding peoples’ backgrounds formed a critical part of their makeup – from their family and siblings, to the nature of their childhood and education.
Nowadays we talk about competencies but there’s something to be said about the significant relationships that are developed as one grows up. Generally speaking, strong relationships growing up give you the self-confidence to forge strong relationships both personally and professionally later in life.
In HR we talk about consultancy, where you get an idea of how things work after the thousands of interviews and CVs you wade through. This is a very human element and a job in which your judgement becomes refined over a long period of time. Consultancy is about the questions you ask and the judgement you make on the responses you get. Technology comes into it, but it doesn’t replace what is very much a very humanistic skill, requiring good experience, analysis and judgement.
That’s not to say that there’s no room for technology. Technology plays a vital role as a connecting instrument - the more people you’re connected to or supported by via technology, the better the business network you have. However, managing technology is something to be wary about; it enables others to be accessible to you but also you to be very accessible to others - how up to date is your LinkedIn profile?
If used well, technology’s speed and substance of communication can enhance business practices. But it should not be considered a substitute for the human element – which makes up the fundamentals of what we do, how we do it and who we really are.
To contact Ian Taylor, email him at or
About Ian Taylor
Ian Taylor is the Executive Director of Sheffield North Island.
Since July 2004 he has headed the firm’s Academy of Corporate Governance and manages the firm’s relationship with the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) and AltoPartners Executive Search Worldwide. He co-leads AltoPartner’s education, local government and not-for-profit global practice.