Making an Impact with the Board: AltoPartners Australia Workshop – 12 September 2018

August 08, 2018 Share this article:

Increasingly boards are assessing their human capital opportunities and risks. The demand placed on senior HR executives so that boards meet their obligations around people and culture has grown tenfold.

HR executives need to develop a deeper understanding of what drives board thinking especially how boards assess the reward and risk factors of a human capital strategy.

The boards of high performing companies in Australia and without doubt, internationally, recognise that culture and talent are the foremost drivers of business performance, innovation and competitiveness. The HR executive is more now than before a mission critical element of the corporate strategy and the board’s obligations to all stakeholders.

For the HR executive this requires a deeper understanding of board thinking especially about the return on investment question.

As a senior HR executive how are you addressing the question of return on investment?

Are your proposals and reports aligned with Board thinking?

What practical actions can you take to make a difference?

Julie Garland McLellan is one of Australia’s foremost board authorities, a sitting board director, board advisor, media commentator and author. She has been giving the question of the board and its relationship with human resources a great deal of attention.

Julie presents her case for how senior HR executives can make an impact with the board in a workshop to be held in Sydney on Wednesday, 12 September.

Together with practicing board directors senior HR executives will have the opportunity to discover what boards really want as well as explore the practical steps that can be taken to make an impact when presenting to the board.

The workshop will be held in Sydney on Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 9:30am until 11:30am.

To book your place go to