CHRO views on the #newnormal

June 23, 2020 Share this article:

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As part of the Accord India Insight Series our Accord India Consumer practice Partners Anjali Singhania and Kaushik Dasgupta conducted their 2nd closed door discussions with CHROs in the Consumer and Services sector last week.

COVID 19 has resulted in unprecedented disruptions of demand, production and supply and sales and distribution across sectors. Additionally, the Retail, QSR and Hospitality sectors are dealing with an even sharper decline in demand. To discuss the HR challenges and responses, our colleagues Anjali Singhania and Kaushik Dasgupta, Partners at Accord India, facilitated a round table discussion with four dynamic CHROS from the Consumer & Services sectors.

Joining the discussions were:

  • Arijit Sengupta, Director Human Resources – India & Neighboring Countries at Bacardi
  • Ashutosh Phadke, Human Resources Director- India, Middle East Africa & South East Asia at General Mills
  • Nirbhik Goel, Executive Vice President Human Resources at The Oberoi Group
  • Rajesh Srivastava, Chief Human Resources Officer at Capital Foods

The discussions were candid and open, and ranged from the role of HR as a partner to business, health & safety, the balance between short term and long term employer branding as well as emerging skills and attributes.

We have distilled key insights and learnings and offer a summary in the attached note.

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Consumer, Retail, Services