The Company We Keep : Nicolás Mora Schrader

July 22, 2024 Share this article:

Nicolás Mora Schrader’s old-school motto, “Recte ad ardua” (directly to the difficult), has served him well: “It has stuck with me as it embodies a mindset of facing challenges head-on with courage and determination,” he says. The dynamic, intrepid head of Equation Partners in Santiago, Chile, Nicolás, represents AltoPartners on the AESC’s Council of Americas and is our go-to person for the region’s financial, retail, real estate, infrastructure and life sciences. Using his own career journey and discovery as inspiration, Nicolás is a highly regarded career advisor to Chile’s top next generation of leaders.

Where were you born, and where do you live now?

I was born in Santiago, Chile, and at only a few months of age, my father began a successful expat career that saw us live in Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. I now live in Chile with my wife, our one-year-old daughter, and our Jack Russell terrier.

What did you study and why?

At 17, I was one of those kids who really didn’t know what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives. I went to Law School for a while because it seemed like a safe bet. I ended up dropping out after a couple of months and going to work at an advertising agency (JWT). I fell in love with the creative atmosphere and business drive. It inspired me to go back to school and get a degree in Communications and Marketing.

First job?

My first formal job out of college was at Banco Santander Chile as an executive in the Institutional Banking Division.

First car?

Growing up, I drove my mom’s brown Chrysler minivan. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was perfect for carrying all my friends around. The first car I bought was a Peugeot 206.

Current car?

Toyota Rav4 (perfect for the baby seat and stroller).

What’s the biggest surprise about your job?

The biggest surprise is that 15 years in, I’m still fascinated by what we do. It never gets old. The daily in-depth conversations with clients and candidates, and the ability to truly help and make a difference… I think that’s what keeps us going.

What is the biggest risk you ever took?

Leaping headlong into this industry 15 years ago without the slightest idea of what I was getting myself into. I was very young, and I guess my path could have gone in a very different direction. I’m very happy I joined Equation Partners when it was little more than an idea with a few numbers on a napkin.

What makes you feel better on a bad day?

The best thing about a bad day is coming home to be with my wife, baby daughter, and Foster, our Jack Russell.

My most redeeming quality is…

I consider myself very straightforward and consistent. This consistency helps build trust and achieve steady progress.

I have learned to come to terms with… the fact that sometimes life takes away those who are dearest to us. Accepting the pain, cherishing their memories, and focusing on their positive impact on my life brings me peace and makes me more resilient.

What’s the thing that people are most surprised to learn about you?

I have a few tattoos. People invariably follow up with “I didn’t figure you for a tattoo person” when they find out.

In the last month, what was the most interesting conversation you had?

In the past month, I’ve been interviewing candidates for the Executive Director position of Special Olympics Chile. Getting to know all the candidates and hearing their views on diversity and inclusion has been incredibly enriching. Their mission is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of sports for people with intellectual disabilities. Discussing how each candidate envisions advancing this mission has deepened my understanding of these crucial issues and highlighted the profound impact of sports in promoting inclusivity and empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Most loved holiday?

I’m a sucker for Halloween. It’s been a big deal in my life and reminds me of the special years I spent growing up in Greenwich, Connecticut. I remember reading classics such as The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and The Crucible in middle school, both of which are set in a small New England town, making the spooky season feel even more magical and authentic.

Best book you’ve read in the past year?

The Maniac by the Chilean author Benjamín Labatut. I highly recommend all his work, but this latest book, centred on the Hungarian polymath John von Neumann, was a real eye-opener. A must-read for anyone interested in AI and its implications for our species.

What have you binge-watched recently?

I’ve been watching a lot of Ms. Rachel and Bluey lately….

Best gadget?

My smartwatch with the Golf Pad app.

How do you relax and unwind?

A quick round of golf

Charity/ cause closest to your heart?

The Special Olympics in Chile. I’ve worked with them for many years.

I have a collection of…

Comic books. I started it as a pre-teen and have kept it ever since, although I haven’t added to it in a while.

In my fridge, you will always find… A bottle of Tabasco sauce.