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+49 (177) 5035789 Office Phone
+49 (89) 2421960
Susanne Frey successfully completed her studies in Industrial Engineering at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Professional Experience
She began her professional career in the semiconductor industry as a product marketing engineer at Motorola Semiconductors for the Italian and Spanish markets.
After that she moved over to Computer 2000, a renowned IT distributor. Their she was responsible for the Marketing Strategie and Operations and took part in the successfull expansion of the company to become the market leader in a fast paced and consistently changing environment. When Computer 2000 was taken over by TechData, she became the Marketing Director of the merged companies. In addition to this, she served on the Supervisory Bord.
Susanne has many years of experience in marketing and sales, as well as in the areas of “Organizational Development”, “Restructuring”, and “leadership Coaching”. Her analytic view on candidates, connected with her distinctive communication skills and empathy, characterizes Susanne’s style.
Since 2013, Susanne has been a partner at Jack Russell Consulting - AltoPartners Germany where she fills specialist and leadership positions both nationally as well as internationally.
Personnel issues are a matter of trust. This requires know-how and experience. Ms Susanne Frey looks back on over 30 years of professional experience both in industry and in personnel consulting. She is characterised by her ability to quickly empathize with her clients’ issues and her good intuition for people.